Invert recommendations please.

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Aug 5, 2012
Hi all

I have pretty much finished fish stocking now in my 130 litre and would like some of your advice on some inverts for both algae/left over fod scavaging as well as something that's not aggressive, fairly colourful and interesting to watch. I currently have 2 Bolivian rams, 2 dwarf gourami, 10 cardinal tetra and 3 Corys. I tried 6 rcs and 3 amanos two days ago...I'm pretty such the rcs have been tasty snacks for the BRs and the amanos have seemed to have gone into hiding.

Parameters are 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite and c. 15 nitrates. Temp at 25.5c and pH at 8.2 stable. So open to any suggestions...shrimp that won't get eaten, snails. Let me know your thoughts :)
Yep ... DG's and the BR's pretty much look at shrimp as dinner ... And RCS are just too small to survive. Your Amanos may be ok if they are large enough.
If they make it a week from now, get a couple more the same size. Add some DW and more plants for more cover. Don't worry about them starving ... They scavenge and feed when the lights are out.
Yea I had read that they would possibly be preyed upon, although I hoped my java moss would be enough of a shelter for them. Just shifted my filter and found 3 rcs hiding under there so at least some have survived. I may get a few more amanos. I was having a look at crabs but I'm sure they would be too aggressive/specialised for me really.
Yea I had read that they would possibly be preyed upon, although I hoped my java moss would be enough of a shelter for them. Just shifted my filter and found 3 rcs hiding under there so at least some have survived. I may get a few more amanos. I was having a look at crabs but I'm sure they would be too aggressive/specialised for me really.

3 RCS's better than none ... You could add more moss a bit more cover. By now those RCS probably figured out to come out at night. Larger Amanos are your best bet. With luck ... The RCS's will reproduce and maybe start a colony ... Won't be easy ... But that'll be when you'll appreciate the moss.
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