Is CO2 necessary?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Apr 14, 2013
Hi all,

Question about semi-planted tanks. I have a ten gallon tank to which I just added a single decent-sized java fern, and a 13 gallon tank that has about 1.5 java ferns. I also have a 7.5 gallon fry tank with 1 java fern.

For the present, I am not planning on adding anymore plants. So the prize question is: must I add CO2 to these tanks?

Thank you!
+1. Java ferns can be really easy plants, just dont bury the rhizome and add some liquid ferts every now and then and excel if you want. Good luck!
Thank you. It's good to have confirmation on not needing the CO2.
Plants do require co2 in the sense that it's part of the building block of their development. However, adding additional co2 isn't necessary depending on your plants and setup. Your tank is supplying it through atmosphere.
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