Is live rock salvageable?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Aug 28, 2014
My lfs just messaged me that he just had someone shut down their sw tank. They said that they couldn't afford it anymore and he did ask if there were any problems and of course they said no. So he took their tank, a oc clown (who seems to fine, it only has been 3 days), sand and rock. He knows I am looking for more lr, soo do I take it? and then what? Opinions please
If it was kept in water the whole time, it should be fine. If it dried, there will be die-off that will mess up your existing parameters, so I'd cure it in another container.

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It's been in a bucket of water but that's it

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I'd get it home and give it a good scrub down and put it in. It being kept wet is the first step, but it also needs to be kept warm. I'd want to ensure that any gunk or buildup from their setup wasn't travelling into yours, hence the good scrub.
Dip it in coralrx or something similar... dont want any pests coming in

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Sniperhank--seriously? I have a55g

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No sweets. Can I use my water from my 55g freshwater tank to treat that rock?

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You mean to wash the rock off? Sure! Even waste water can have a use. You are just looking for a rinse and a scrub to make sure things are cleaned up before either curing them in a separate container or putting them into your display tank.
Gotcha. I'm not wanting to use chemicals if I don't have to. I can't pass up 15#'s of rock for $20.00 and just have never got someone else's "used" rock but don't want any nasty crap

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