Is my betta dying of old age?

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Apr 12, 2011
I've had my betta for just over a year now. throughout the year, he's fought fin rot quite a few times, and a few bouts of consitipation. It was easy to determine when he was sick, because during the day, he would hide in his castle and not come out.

Lately, he's been deteriorating to nothing. His fin rot has pretty much taken over 60% of his fins, he's lost one of his two long hair like fin under his chin. the two fins that he uses when he breathes (?), 1 of them is clamped. he sits at the bottom of the tank all day - he never use to be like that. the fin rot has been going on for over 2 months now, slowly, and then stopping, but now it just seems to get worse. i've tried heat, salt, and now started feeding him jungle medicated food for internal/external bacteria infections. i dont think it's columnaris (i had a female die about 6 months ago from that - if it was more recent, i would think he caught it too). I also put in an almond leave out of desperation; i use to use them, but stopped about 4 mths ago, when i noticed that it caused the tank to be really dirty. when i stopped, it seemed to clear up fin rot from my other fish, and stopped this betta's as well...

his color is so dull...he's turning like reddish brown. i'm pretty sure he's dying, but i want to know if it's cause he's old, or if it's something he can beat.

I've heard that they could be as old as 2 yrs in the fish stores, meaning he could be as old as 3? He will still come up for food, and he will still flare at his reflection. I'm just thinking if i should end it for him, cause he's clearly suffering. i put some pics below..could it just be he's old, and can't fight the illnesses anymore like he use to?

tank params:
10gal to himself
0 amm
0 nitrites
5ppm of nitrates
80 temp (usually 78, but been raised)




Idk i mean i had a betta for 3 years in a bowl so yours should be able to live longer than that in a filtered tank
i know.he gets weekly water changes and everything. maybe i did too much? i was thinking he must be have been at least a year when i got him
well it sounds like he's been through quite a lot in the last year. the first thing i would ask is what are the parameters of your water. ammonia, ph, and nitrates? when a fish is fighting an illness clean water is VERY important. it is all the time but especially when the fish has disease. i'm thinking the color change could be ammonia burn?
He's not dying if old age. 2-3 isn't old for a Betta. I've had one for 5 years. He only just recently died.
My guess is he's got an ongoing bacterial infection. Have you tried antibiotics?
PM jlk. She knows a lot about which ones are best for what.
well it sounds like he's been through quite a lot in the last year. the first thing i would ask is what are the parameters of your water. ammonia, ph, and nitrates? when a fish is fighting an illness clean water is VERY important. it is all the time but especially when the fish has disease. i'm thinking the color change could be ammonia burn?

maybe it's ammonia burn. tbh, i ran out of ammonia test (the two bottles). last time i checked was about a mth ago, but it the whole time since i started testing, it's never been over 0.25, except when i was obviously cycling (fishless). i would randomnly check it every month, and it would always be 0 or just slightly above 0. i'm going to buy the ammonia test kit tomm and re-test. but assuming it comes back 0, then it can be amm burn right? the nitrites are 0, and nitrates are 5ppm - i didnt run out of these.

i currently moved him to a 5 gal rubbermaid. regardless of what happens, i'm still going to clean everything in his tank, and recycle.
SO i got new ammonia test kit (api drops), and ammonia is 0. so it definitely can't be ammonia burn right?

i think it may be dropsy...his "flaring" gills always seem to be sticking out a bit, and he has pineconing..its not major pineconing, but if you look at the pic below:

Common Name: Dropsy
Pathogen/Cause: Various organisms (nonspecific), poor water quality.
Physical Signs: Bloated appearence with scales that stick out like a pine cone. Best viewed from above. Dropsy is not really a specific pathologic entity, it is to describe a general condition of fluid accumulation in the internal body cavity, which has many causes. Dropsy usually signals internal infection and multiple organ failure. It can be compared to ascites in humans in end stage kidney failure.
Behavioral Signs: Lethargy, lack of appetite, grave constitutional signs.
Potential Treatment: Unfortunately, dropsy is *usually* incurable and fatal; however, in rare cases, spontaneous recovery may occur. A strong antibiotic such as kanamycin sulfate can be tried, but because it is an internal infection, usually it does little good.
Other Notes: Take measures to improve water quality immediately. Fortunately, it is not highly contagious.

I'm sorry about you little fella. Once pineconing appears there's usually no going back. :( you can try salt baths and antibiotics as a last ditch effort to save him.
Somethings wrong if he has had Fin rot this long. Get some tetracycline and try that out and do a 50% water change now. Recheck your water parameters too.
Somethings wrong if he has had Fin rot this long. Get some tetracycline and try that out and do a 50% water change now. Recheck your water parameters too.

i've already isolated him in a non filtered 5 gal tank. he's getting daily 50% water changes. should i bother with the medicine in a non filtered tank?
shynepo3 said:
i've already isolated him in a non filtered 5 gal tank. he's getting daily 50% water changes. should i bother with the medicine in a non filtered tank?

Do you have any other sort of filter? Even a air driven one?
no. air filter? you mean an air pump? i have that..but no filter. i really think no medicine is going to help him if its dropsy. do u tink it's dropsy?

another question...if he does pass, do i have to re-cycle the tank (clean out completely)? i was thinking of doing that before discovering the pineconing...but now that it may be dropsy, and it's not that contagious, would it be ok to just do a HUGE water change and put a new fish in?
shynepo3 said:
no. air filter? you mean an air pump? i have that..but no filter. i really think no medicine is going to help him if its dropsy. do u tink it's dropsy?

another question...if he does pass, do i have to re-cycle the tank (clean out completely)? i was thinking of doing that before discovering the pineconing...but now that it may be dropsy, and it's not that contagious, would it be ok to just do a HUGE water change and put a new fish in?

No a air filter. Well a airdriven filter. Medicine can help dropsy but its the fact you have somethin that is killing your fish in that tank bacteria wise. Dropsy may not be that contagious but whatever causes it can be. I would tear down the whole tank. Or treat with a copper medication.
No a air filter. Well a airdriven filter. Medicine can help dropsy but its the fact you have somethin that is killing your fish in that tank bacteria wise. Dropsy may not be that contagious but whatever causes it can be. I would tear down the whole tank. Or treat with a copper medication.

i will try the tectracyline if it gives him a chance...i'd feel guilty if i didnt do everything in my power to keep him alive. But i only have his tank, which is cycled and now empty at the moment...and a 5 gallon rubbermaid tub that he is in currently, which is bare with a heater (and a cave).

do i need a filter for the medicine? if so, should i move him back to his tank and medicate? or can i medicate him in the 5 gal rubbermaid?

i dont mind doing daily water changes, even bi daily if necess. let me know. i also have another tank, 5 gal, that is cycled, but my other betta is in there. he's healthy and fine, so i dont want to mess that up by moving him out.
btw, thanks everyone for the help and kind's been about a year since i started with bettas...and i've had 4! my 1st one is the one that's dying now, 2nd one jumped out the tank on the 2nd day. 3rd one died 4 mths after i got her, from columnaris. 4th one is still alive and healthy.

this one, i always noticed him to be the most brave. he was never scared of me, jumped for his food and my finger, would flare at his reflection and fight the mirror (while my other one flares and runs in the opposite direction). hes been thru a lot, yet always pulled through..sadly, i think his time is coming to an end.
His pine owning is def more noticeable now. He won't eat, stays at the bottom breathing heavy. Only swims round when I come up close. Should I end his misery in some clove oil? Chances of recovery are much too slim , no?

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