Is my cycle stalled?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jan 24, 2007
I started my fishless cycle last week (March 8th) using Bio-spira as seed and dosing pure ammonia (from Ace). Its now been 8 days and my tank is going through 2-3ppm of ammonia in less than 24 hours, but my nitrites have been stuck at 2ppm for the last 3 days. Nitrates have been around 20ppm for the last 3 days. Should I wait this out, or would a partial water change be beneficial?

Here is some more information:

-75 gallon freshwater
-120 lbs of eco-complete substrate
-Rena XP3 filter with plenty of biostars and ceramic rings
-Temperature has constantly been at 87 degrees
-Dose 2-3ppm ammonia when it gets below 1ppm

TIA for your help.
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