is my dalmation molly pregant or big - have good pics

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jan 29, 2009
keezletown va
heres the story - i got her a week or so ago,the lady at the store said she might be PG but not sure! stuck her in with the other fish. i have a male black molly who wouldnt leave her alone, kept nipping at her and flarring his fins - guessing he was trying to mate. so i put her in another tank. wondering if shes PG? or just big? cant really see a gravid spot. please help.

also if shes not pg should i stick her back in with the black molly? is that how they mate?? never had a Pregant fish before thanks
If you could upload the pictures to here, via the User CP link at the top, I could try to help you out since you have no responses. I am at work and they block all the photo sites like photobucket, flickr, etc. Maybe someone will post soon though..
It's hard to tell, as I'm not sure if that's a balloon molly or not. That said, if she's been in a tank with a male for any length of time, she probably is. Usually their bellies are a little more square at the bottom while yours looks more rounded, particularly in the back.
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