Is this a horned nerite?

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Nov 21, 2023
My LFS said this is a horned nerite that list its horns. I just want to doublecheck since I have small snails appearing in my tank. They look like mini ramshorns so most likely came in on plants but would appreciate some help.

Is this a (hornless) horned nerite?


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My LFS said this is a horned nerite that list its horns. I just want to doublecheck since I have small snails appearing in my tank. They look like mini ramshorns so most likely came in on plants but would appreciate some help.

Is this a (hornless) horned nerite?

If the small snails look like baby ramshorn snails, they did not come from this snail. That said, I'm not sure this is a " horned" nerite since there are no protrusions or even bumps where the horns could grow from. I've not seen a hornless horned nerite snail yet so you may need to give this one more time to see if the horns do grow out. (y) If you paid more for this snail because it was a " horned" variety, I'd go back to your store and confirm with someone else there that they sold you a hornless nerite or a regular nerite snail. ( For what it's worth, I would never pay more for an animal that doesn't appear to be what it is described as. In your case, if it doesn't have horns, get one that does if that is what you want. :whistle: )
More like an Olive Nerite. Could be similar type to Olive, haven't shopped for these in a long time. They can be plain colored or have tiny lines from what I remember

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