Is this ammonia good for cycling?

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Aug 9, 2011
New York
I'm doing a fishless cycle and have been searching for some pure ammonia to use. I couldn't find any in stores but I did find some online. I just want to make sure it's safe to use. It's called "James Austin Co 50 Clear Ammonia." Since it has the word clear, I assume it's safe to use. Clear is the same as pure, right? I can't read the ingredients on it because its on amazon but I can return it if I find any perfumes or dangers. Is the ammonia I found safe? :fish2:
The MSDS doesn't list any other ingredients but it does have a product information phone number. 1-724-625-1535
I can't tell from your description for sure, but I'm guessing it is pure from clear. But you still never know.

Ive heard that if you shake it and there's bubbles, don't use it. If there's no bubbles, it's okay. Try that when you receive it.
I went to dollar tree, bought clear ammonia for a dollar. The bubble test is good, if it look like soap and water would look, don't use it.
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