is this normal behavior for clowns???

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Aug 25, 2004
tacoma, washington
i've got 2 percs one slightly bigger, the bigger one will sometimes go into ramming mode or almost ramming mode and dodge aways then the smaller one will sort of tip to it's side and do a bit of twitching... if i didn't know better i'd say he looks like he's just received a little shock or else he thinks he's a tang complete with defensive scalpel 8O

bit disconcerting really, should i be more concerned than i am
The ramming is a dominance thing. Clowns do that shaking thing once in awhile. My small one does it when the bigger one is around picking stuff off the live rock. I would watch the ramming to make sure it's not serious fighting.
I have two percs too. They act exactly the same way. The big one occasionally rams the small one (nothing serious, I think) and then the little one kind of lists to one side or the other and twitches for a second or so. I was a bit concerned until I read your post! Another difference between them is that the big one is very active and quick. The little one, for the most part is less active and moves a little more deliberately. He can move quickly whenever he wants, like during feedings, but otherwise, he just takes his sweet old time getting around. Do your's do the same thing?
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