It can't take as long the second time- fishless cycle log

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jul 2, 2011
I'm cycling my 20 gallon tank for the second time. It was cycled, and I was trying to keep goldfish, but I kept killing the golds, so I stopped with those. I threw a betta in the tank just to keep something in there to keep the cycle going. I intended to just throw the betta in there for a few weeks and make a decision on what to do with it. Months later, I had made no decision. My mom decided I could bring the tank up to the living room because my niece likes the fish. I was going to keep the betta in, bring it up, and add more fish. Through some discussion with members here, I decided the betta was leaving that tank, and to cycle it again so it would handle the new inhabitants. The tank is moved upstairs Sunday the betta is out (and in a new 10 gallon, since Petco is having the gallon sale this week). I threw in some ammo on Sunday, that was probably just enough Sunday to bring it to 1.0. Monday I added enough to bring it to 4.0. It's still reading today at 4.0. I haven't bothered to test anything else at the moment, since none of those really matter too much yet. It can't take as long as the initial cycle, right, since it already was cycled and had an inhabitant.
I've figured out what I'm doing with the 20, but now I need to decide what to do with the 10 gallon tank with the betta. I was going to put ADFs in the 20, but maybe I'll do it in the 10. I've got no filter on that yet, since that's just the betta now. I I'll cycle the 20 first, then pull some media from one of the filters there to seed a filter for the 10 (I've had one of the filters jammed with some extra stuff from the get go just for these purposes).
griffinej5 said:
I'm cycling my 20 gallon tank for the second time. It was cycled, and I was trying to keep goldfish, but I kept killing the golds, so I stopped with those. I threw a betta in the tank just to keep something in there to keep the cycle going. I intended to just throw the betta in there for a few weeks and make a decision on what to do with it. Months later, I had made no decision. My mom decided I could bring the tank up to the living room because my niece likes the fish. I was going to keep the betta in, bring it up, and add more fish. Through some discussion with members here, I decided the betta was leaving that tank, and to cycle it again so it would handle the new inhabitants. The tank is moved upstairs Sunday the betta is out (and in a new 10 gallon, since Petco is having the gallon sale this week). I threw in some ammo on Sunday, that was probably just enough Sunday to bring it to 1.0. Monday I added enough to bring it to 4.0. It's still reading today at 4.0. I haven't bothered to test anything else at the moment, since none of those really matter too much yet. It can't take as long as the initial cycle, right, since it already was cycled and had an inhabitant.
I've figured out what I'm doing with the 20, but now I need to decide what to do with the 10 gallon tank with the betta. I was going to put ADFs in the 20, but maybe I'll do it in the 10. I've got no filter on that yet, since that's just the betta now. I I'll cycle the 20 first, then pull some media from one of the filters there to seed a filter for the 10 (I've had one of the filters jammed with some extra stuff from the get go just for these purposes).

If you mean you added ammonia to the tank that the betta is in and your ammonia is testing at 4ppm... Unless I'm wrong I believe that would kill your betta, you don't want levels above .25 for ammonia or nitrite with a fish in cycle or levels like that on a tank that is cycled and has fish, anything above those levels are toxic for fish. Also if you don't have a filter on the 10 yet there isn't much place for the BB to grow, unless again I am mistaken here and if I am someone jump
In and correct me please!
Sounds like she put the betta in the 10 gallon and Is adding ammonia to the 20 to keep her bacteria alive, but she's not sure what stage the cycle is in.

Keep adding ammonia, few drops at a time, then test 10 min later so it can diffuse. Don't overdose ammonia though... I did and it took longer to cycle. Only add more when you see it lowering on its own so you don't overwhelm the bacteria.
I am sure that you know this but I'll say it anyways, you have a filter running on the 20 gallon right? (Just not on the 10 gallon... Which is fine. Less water changes are necessary in the mean time for the betta)
Also, don't do any water changes in the 20 gallon until it cycles. You probably knew that too...

When you go to cycle the 10 gallon, you will want to remove the betta... I put mine in a 5 gallon bucket for a couple of weeks. He had his betta log, some plants and a heater and he was fine. I figured more water volume was better than having a glass container.

Once your 10 gallon cycles, add the frogs or other fish before re-introducing the betta. This way he will not be territorial towards them. Another thing that I believe helps is the betta log. It's good for him to have a place to go to get away from all the other tank mates. Floating plants are good for this reason as well...

Good luck!
Oops, not sure if the original poster is a "she," sorry!!
Also turn the heater up to 85 and keep the tank dark. It's good for the bacteria!
haha... I am a she.
The betta is in the 10 gallon tank. Figured I might as well buy a 10 since that was $10, and the 5.5 was $16.99. I didn't put any ammonia in the 20 until I pulled the betta, so don't worry, all is safe for him. That tank contains literally just the betta and water right now. No decoration there, nothing yet. I might do nothing with that at all. I was going to train the goldfish I had, but maybe I'll do that with the betta and leave that tank pretty open. I'll probably end up leaving that one with just the betta for months while I try to decide what I'm doing again.
I think the heater on the 20 has the water temp up to something like 95 as long as I am reading it correctly. Any reason I shouldn't let it up that high?
A quick search shows that most people recommend mid 80's. I think you could possibly burn out your heater and it could be too hot for the bacteria, but I'm not positive about that...
I dialed the heat back a bit, not sure what it's at now though. I'll have to go check. I know people recommend 80s, but I'd love to know if there is a reason not to go to 95. I mean, it might be too hot for the bacteria, but I'd highly doubt that bacteria that would thrive in the 80s couldn't survive 90s. Some other time, I'll have to cycle identical tanks and set them at 80 and 90 and see what happens.
A-ha! Here is the article I read while I was cycling my tank:

This person provided references as well!

So yeah, 95 is the highest temp bacteria thrive in, however, he says 85 is the highest temp that he would put his thermometer up to.

As far as lights on or off, I'm seeing both now...
I'll have to look into that.

Well, I hope your tank cycles quickly!
No move yet on the ammo. I'll have to read the stuff about the temps. I keep reminding myself that while the waiting with no fish is though, I would hate it more if I killed fish, and I would certainly hate the water changes required to do a fish in cycle.
Yep it's a test in patience all right lol If you can get some seeded media from an established tank it'll help speed things up. Any temp from 77-86 is optimum. Higher than that might be OK but if it gets too hot it can slow things down too. Nitrifying Bacteria Facts
Technically, my own should have been seeded somewhat since it was running on the established tank. The only other tanks I know of with owners who would give me something, I don't think they are good choices. The daycare I used to work at has a tank, and I have a friend who works there now. They'd gladly give me a handful of gravel or something, but I know when I worked there, nobody was taking good care of the animals, and I know it's not much different now. A friend of mine also has a tank, but I don't think it's been running more than 2-3 months, and she did a fish in cycle. So, I don't think her tank is ready to give me anything. Perhaps I'll ask her though if it is cycled.
Would there be any reason not to use gravel I got in lowes in the 10 gallon tank? I have 50lbs, because that's the smallest they sell it, And I don't need all of it for what I bought it for.
I have tiny pea gravel in my tank because it is soft and won't hurt the cories, but it was meant for an aquarium. I've head of people using play sand... So I can't think of a reason not to.
I will have to look at the bag tomorrow.

So, my ammo dropped since I tested on Sat. Night. It was 4, and it's now 1. However, no rise in nitrite or nitrate. I'm not planted enough to really explain that. Plus, I moved 50% of the old water when I did the move. At least I don't believe I am planted enough for that to happen. I've got a few java ferns and some java moss. Not like it's taking over the tank or anything. I repeated the tests for ammo and nitrite, and my kit is not expired.

I tested it about an hour ago out of curiosity. I got ammo at 2, and nitrate at 80. I didn't check nitrite this time around. Perhaps my plants are using the nitrate? I'll have to check again later tonight and see what i get then.
Okay, I retested at closer to the 24 hour mark. So, ammo is somewhere between 1-2. Nitrite and Nitrate are 0. So... I apparently do have enough plants to use up the nitrate? That's the only possible explanation for a nitrate drop, correct? If that's the case, I was probably planted enough to just add my fish to begin with, wasn't I? I was told I had to be really heavily planted for that to occur, but I have to go with empirical evidence in the form of test results that say I am planted enough.

I added nothing last night, not doing anything now. I'd like to try to catch it at some point with high nitrate and take a pic, and subsequently get it later when it drops, assuming it will do that again. I'm guessing right now it's on the upswing, since I got 0 last night, but it could just as well have gone up and be on the way back down now. Still haven't seen any nitrites though.
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