its either my crayfish is.

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Feb 4, 2004
Roscoe, IL
about to molt or is dying. do crayfish get really lazy after or b4 they molt? or is it just its about to die. its still alive but is barely holding on or is about to molt.
I have no crayfish experience... but my shrimp chill out before the big shed. I figure the skin is so tight they can't really move but they are trying to hold out. :lol:
Like when my jeans get a little too small.... and I promise I will lose the couple of pounds... but I don't... then finally I give up and buy new ones. :roll: sigh
Like when my jeans get a little too small.... and I promise I will lose the couple of pounds... but I don't... then finally I give up and buy new ones. sigh

Nice... :lol:

I too don't really have much crayfish experience, just what I have caught from the creek when I was younger. A quick question long have you had the crayfish, and what kind of water conditions? Now, I may be wrong, but I think it isn't advisable to keep fish, or crayfish in your case, from creeks because of what is in the water...also, creeks(most of them) have a higher acidicity than regular tap water. So, you may just want to look in to things more....I tried a quick search for a site for you, but my computer is being kind of stupid again. Good lick, sorry I can't help more.
They get lethargic before they die...

They also sometimes stop moving entirely before they molt. But they're not usually lethargic in my experience.
question wut does lethargic mean? i bought them from the store. i have 3 of them (75 cents each) in an icebox. i have some driftwood in there 2. nive had them since last friday.
I have a rather large blue crayfish, he does hide for long periods before shedding. If you dont have a spot for them to hide, then they will obviously be in the open looking lazy.
it died today. there was a big hole in its stomach too. i think it had eggs though. because there were lil pimply thingys in its head. i wish it was still alive so i could see if they really were eggs.
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