Jack Dempsey - Disease?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
May 16, 2013
Hi guys,
I am having some issues with my Jack Dempsey. He definitely has some issues. He seems to be breathing a lot heavier/faster than usual. He is also tilting his body up (not hovering in place horizontally if that makes sense).For a little while I thought that he had hole in the head (HITH) disease which (I think) I cleared up with lots of water changes. Last night I witnessed another "knick" on him. He also appears to have white spots on him which at first glance I thought was ICH but I am thinking it is some other kind of parasite. I removed both carbon filters last night and will be doing a large water change tonight when I get home from work (50%+). What do you guys think this is? I attached a few photos below.




Can you tell us about environment and water chemistry?

He is in a 55 gallon tank along with a female jack dempsey and convict. These fish have grown up together since I got all three of them back in 2012.
Update: I did a 75% water change when I got home from work today. he is still tipped (facing up) in the tank and breathing very heavy. I did not realize how bad the water was as I have not checked it for several months.

Ammonia: 4.0 ppm
Nitrate: 80 ppm
Nitrite: 0 ppm
Ph: 6.0 ppm
tank temperature: 80F

would the poor water conditions explain the reason he is breathing so heavy or should I begin treatment for parasites in his gills? I have a bottle of PraziPro. I will retest the water tomorrow night.
Wow; the low ph is probably the only reason the fish is still alive with that much ammonia around. Be very careful with the water changes. They’re necessary but if your ph shoots up that ammonia will be much more dangerous.

What is the ph of your source water? Are you using prime or something else that can detoxify ammonia and nitrites?
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