jack dempsey

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Nov 21, 2012
can my red tail shark and pleco go with a jack dempsey and a blue electric cichlid
The jds n electric blue cichlids get a decient size. Do you know what kinda pleco you have?
joemamauggly said:
55 gal and a blue electric cichlid

The Dempsey and the pleco will max out your tank. The blue electric is an African cichlid and many on this forum warn about mixing old and new worlds together. They require different water parameters and diets. Not to say that it won't work for you but more than likely one of the cichlids will perish due to aggression or water conditions. Africans require a higher ph.
Id say one or the other either jack or EBC. Some jacks can be very terrort. Of space n with a 4 ft tank it wud all dempend on the fish. My jack endlessly chases my gt outta spots in the tank( no nipping just chases him away but i always keep an eye incase it gets to nipping). Guess it just depends on the fish n im not sure about the redtail shark either, prolly if he`s bigger it might work but in my case wit jds n a gt it didnt work. Your pleco wud b fine as i have a 2 inch clown that they dnt bother. Hope sum1 else chimmes in about the shark.
cbourg746 said:
The Dempsey and the pleco will max out your tank. The blue electric is an African cichlid and many on this forum warn about mixing old and new worlds together. They require different water parameters and diets. Not to say that it won't work for you but more than likely one of the cichlids will perish due to aggression or water conditions. Africans require a higher ph.

Yes that's true, A Dempsey and a Pleco would max out your tank. BUT. A Dempsey and a Rubber Lip shouldn't be a problem. Rubber lips don't get as big as Commons so you should be fine. You could probably add something else in it as well. It's up to you though. Most Jack Dempsey won't grow over 7+ inches so you should be fine with another. Just be sure it's the same temperament and size.
Everything can work in your tank IMO. People say you can't mix lakes, and country's, and old/new worlds. You should be in good shape. Just be sure to keep an eye on the Dempseys temperament. If he gets too aggresive you could sell him on the other fish. Good luck to you.
so is that a yes on a blue electric jack dempsey rubber lip and a red tail
I don't think you have an issue compatability wise with the JD and shark but don't know about the African. Think you have 1 too many fish anyway for that size tank.
Nathanpopp said:
Yes that's true, A Dempsey and a Pleco would max out your tank. BUT. A Dempsey and a Rubber Lip shouldn't be a problem. Rubber lips don't get as big as Commons so you should be fine. You could probably add something else in it as well. It's up to you though. Most Jack Dempsey won't grow over 7+ inches so you should be fine with another. Just be sure it's the same temperament and size.

I don't think I have ever kept a JD that has NOT grown over 7". I have prolly kept a dozen of them over the years the largest being 11". The rest between 8-10" and I even kept them in 29g tanks when I was a kid. I had a 10" monster in a 29 matter a fact.
Nathanpopp said:
Yes that's true, A Dempsey and a Pleco would max out your tank. BUT. A Dempsey and a Rubber Lip shouldn't be a problem. Rubber lips don't get as big as Commons so you should be fine. You could probably add something else in it as well. It's up to you though. Most Jack Dempsey won't grow over 7+ inches so you should be fine with another. Just be sure it's the same temperament and size.

Where are you getting this information? There is nothing unusual about a jack Dempsey reaching up to 12 inches.
Nathanpopp said:
Most Jack Dempsey won't grow over 7+ inches so you should be fine with another. Just be sure it's the same temperament and size.

I'm not so sure I agree with you here. I've got one right now that is still growing but already 9"?!?!
If you go the old fashion rule of 1" 1 gallon, you will still be alright. If your Dempsey gets 9" and it's 3 inches tall, that's 27 gallons, we'll go ahead and round it to 30. That's 30 gallons gone. 25 left. Rubber lip get 6 inches so that's 6 gallons. Red tail shark I believe get 8", 8 gallons. Add it all up and you get 44 gallons. We'll give the last 11 gallons to the Dempsey. Still not over stocked that way.
I mis read the first post. I thought you were talking 1 Dempsey. 1 would be alright. Not 2.
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