Java Fern Questions

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Feb 8, 2006
Ok so I've done a decent amount of research, and it seems like Java Fern is the choice I should go with.

15w Flour. Lighting
Whisper Filter
Whisper Air Pump
Med. Sized gravel substrate
Gourami & Corydora stock

My girlfriend brought home an Amazon Sword which did not fair well because I don't belive I have the right substrate. I read somewhere that Java Fern loves to grow on driftwood and requires low light?

I figured the Java Fern would be a good choice because I only have the 15w of light, and I have some beautiful pieces of Malaysian driftwood that would look great with green on it.

Does this sound like a good plant for me?
Thank you for the quick reply rich.

Another quick one, would I be better with a regular Java Fern, or something I just read about called a Dwarf Java?

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