Java moss infested with thread algea

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Aug 28, 2005
Stuttgart, Germany
It started in the Java moss but seems to be spreading to plants near by as well.. Here are my numbers

PH - 7
FE - .2
NO3 - 10-15 (need a better test kit)
PO4 - 1
CO2 - 21

Should I lower My iron dosing? I am using a mixture with plantex and iron chelate every other day.

Any advice?
Also needed to add, I had a case of ich so I have had the temp at 87 for about a week now. Seems to have cleared up but I was going to leave it for one more week just in case. Not sure if it would matter or not.
With your tank being fairly new, I'd try to increase CO2 to 30-35ppm if possible, manually remove what algae I could and wait. Also, check for ammonia as it could be feeding the algae if you have measurable levels.
CO2 levels of 50ppm and higher are tolerable to fish as long as O2 levels are adequate. With you treating for ich an airstone might be suggested to insure adequate O2 until treatment is over. The algae will likely be a constant companion until the tank becomes established.
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