Just a case of the shimmies?

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jan 4, 2012
Hey everyone! I noticed about 4 or 5 days ago my platy's behavior changed. I thought she was going to drop some fry due to her stomach being swollen and "squared" off, but she never did. Now she is still big but not in a swollen, round kind of way, more of just her stomach looking like a giant box from the side. She also started to just start swimming in place and start almost violently shaking from side to side for about 10 seconds then just stop and swim away. It's occurring more and more often and I don't know why. She's in a 15 gallon with 6 neons and 3 albino corys (I'll be upgrading soon). I did just get the corys 9 days ago and then I noticed this. I didn't qt since I don't have another tank, could they of brought something in? My neons have also stopped roaming about like normal and just stick to one side swimming low in their school, I was thinking they are just getting used to the Cory's since they are very active swimmers. I don't know my parameters, I have a test kit on order but it's taking longer then expected to get it. This tank is 6 months established and I just did a 25% water change yesterday. Any ideas what's wrong?
Here's a pic of her. Advice please!


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