Aquarium Advice Apprentice
So I'm pretty new to saltwater aquariums and I need some advice. I bought an etablished tank, but I want to take it further. Here's what I have,
29 gallon tank with...
-Hang on Filter (Marineland Emperor 280 with a bio-wheel)
- Heater (THEO UL Heater 150W)
It has...
-about 35 pounds of live rock
-about 2 inches of sand (looks more like crushed shells)
-Two Ocellaris Clownfish
-One Peppermint shrimp, one Fire shrimp, two small hermit crabs and three turbo slugs
Is the filtration for this tank adequate, I'm going to get a protein skimmer and some better lighting, and a powerhead soon. What else do I need for a healthy tank.
I might want to make it a reeftank soon, is this a good idea?
I Also, I put in two Green Chromis a couple weeks back, but both died. They seemed sick from the start. My second peppermint shrimp also died (I bought these at the local petland, not sure if it's a good place for aquariums). But my tank seems fine, I added my second clownfish two weeks ago and it's doing great, and the water tests came back normal, any ideas?
29 gallon tank with...
-Hang on Filter (Marineland Emperor 280 with a bio-wheel)
- Heater (THEO UL Heater 150W)
It has...
-about 35 pounds of live rock
-about 2 inches of sand (looks more like crushed shells)
-Two Ocellaris Clownfish
-One Peppermint shrimp, one Fire shrimp, two small hermit crabs and three turbo slugs
Is the filtration for this tank adequate, I'm going to get a protein skimmer and some better lighting, and a powerhead soon. What else do I need for a healthy tank.
I might want to make it a reeftank soon, is this a good idea?
I Also, I put in two Green Chromis a couple weeks back, but both died. They seemed sick from the start. My second peppermint shrimp also died (I bought these at the local petland, not sure if it's a good place for aquariums). But my tank seems fine, I added my second clownfish two weeks ago and it's doing great, and the water tests came back normal, any ideas?