Just wanted to say thanks/ more fish?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jul 14, 2009
Port Saint Lucie
I just wanted to say thanks for all the support everybody in the loss of my fish. I've decided to press on and keep going in this hobby, I think Rainbow would've wanted it that way anyway. Now I just gotta wait and see if the other two fish are gonna make it and if whatever has gonna messed up in my water straightens out.

Water parameters are all good, I used bio spira to eliminate any ammonia and get my biological cycle thriving again, put new macro in so I guess I will just wait and see what happens. Out of curiosity though IF I decide to go ahead and add more fish how do I wanna wait? I guess until and seems normal and all parameters in the tank are completely stabilized?


Oh and also is a 30 gallon tank gonna be big enough for a sick tank? I am gonna get one up, running and cycled for the future so if this happens again I won't have to medicate in my main tank.
I just wanted to say thanks for all the support everybody in the loss of my fish. I've decided to press on and keep going in this hobby, I think Rainbow would've wanted it that way anyway. Now I just gotta wait and see if the other two fish are gonna make it and if whatever has gonna messed up in my water straightens out.

Water parameters are all good, I used bio spira to eliminate any ammonia and get my biological cycle thriving again, put new macro in so I guess I will just wait and see what happens. Out of curiosity though IF I decide to go ahead and add more fish how do I wanna wait? I guess until and seems normal and all parameters in the tank are completely stabilized?


Oh and also is a 30 gallon tank gonna be big enough for a sick tank? I am gonna get one up, running and cycled for the future so if this happens again I won't have to medicate in my main tank.
All all the other fish OK? If they are I would think that it is OK to add a fish. 30 gal is perfect for a sick tank
I agree a 30 gallon is a good size for a QT. I would wait awhile to make sure your tank is stable before adding fish.
Yeah no ammonia or nitrite today, everything looks to be fine. The water quality was never really bad, just a little bit of ammonia which I don't understand why that would result in fish loss just a little ammonia. I need to get the Hippo all healthy and cured though first from the Ick he has.

Put your Hippo and your other fish in a qt and start hypo and leave the DT void of fish and don't use chemicals in the DT. You didn't mention ICH in your other thread, this could be the cause as to the loss of your emperor & wrasse, ICH doesn't have to be always visible his gills could have been infested causing the labored breathing.
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