Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water...

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jul 22, 2003
I finally thought my tank had turned the corner. No diseases, fish seemed happy. Actually have kept 9 neons for 1 week without losing any.

Then today, disaster.....

I lost my favourite guppy, Heff. I couldn't find him at feeding time, and there he was, dead behind a log.

I don't understand why he died so suddenly. I have had him a long time. He has been through intestinal worms, finrot, medicines galore. And then boom. I don't get it. :cry:

I tested the water and everything was fine. Everyone seemed to have adjusted from the move nicely - but that was over 10 days ago.

Well I will have to go buy a friend for my other guppy, Cappy.

Poor Heff.
Poor Heff. I am sorry about the fish. It is never easy, no matter how small or large the fish, or how long you have had it. It may have been that he died of natural causes, especially considering the stressful times with the worms and finrot. No fun though, no matter how you look at it.
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