Justice for the 96 YNWA

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Dean jones

Aquarium Advice Freak
Aug 28, 2012
Yesterday justice for 96 men women & children died at a football game in 1989,the police and MP's in England blamed the fans for this disgraceful day of misconduct ;-( for 23 years an 2 inquests we as Liverpool football fans had to bear these liars ? But yesterday the govement & police and other services have finally been brought too task ;-) may now my fellow scousers rest in peace,and those who Doctored 146 documents in this inquiry be held for there actions,and all must hold there heads in shame ;-) You'll Never Walk Alone
Good that's finally getting sorted, I see the Sun printed an apology today - though it will hardly bring back readers in Liverpool, even us Man Utd fans are pleased about this, now if only we could get justice in Northern Ireland for all the IRA acts of terrorism, doubt it seeing as the ex head man of the RA is joint 1st minister over here, only in Northern Ireland would you see a terrorist in charge of a country.
Boarderlesscott I new you was Irish mate ? And it's a disgrace how the British govement haven't left Ireland to govern them selves mate ? These people in power in London don't want others messing with there finances or quality of life mate ;-( SCUMBAGS of the highest order !!! Now after 23 years we have justice,but will those who doctored reports and legal documents face legal actions mate !!! The Time is ticking ??? Cheers for your heart felt message it means the world too us scousers,and others like yourselves who have been wronged by the British govement ??
Yesterday justice for 96 men women & children died at a football game in 1989,the police and MP's in England blamed the fans for this disgraceful day of misconduct ;-( for 23 years an 2 inquests we as Liverpool football fans had to bear these liars ? But yesterday the govement & police and other services have finally been brought too task ;-) may now my fellow scousers rest in peace,and those who Doctored 146 documents in this inquiry be held for there actions,and all must hold there heads in shame ;-) You'll Never Walk Alone

I am glad the whole truth came out eventually. Not sure the MP's ever blamed the fans though and have never lied about anything. As far as I am aware it was just the police and the Sun newspaper who tried to discredit the fans. The government should have done something sooner though but I don't think it is fair to say they were part of the cover up. Tony Blair deserves a lot of criticism though as he refused to hold an inquest even though there was huge pressure to have one.
Just hope that the police are brought to task, there needs to be action taken against all involved. What annoys me too is where is the FA in all this, they seem to have gotten away without criticism yet they put on a game in a ground with no safety certificate and a ground where people moaned about for years before about being unsafe. They should also be brought to task.

I am also a Man Utd fan but never for one minute believed all the lies. Also have never bought a Sun newspaper since that day.
Chew your from Bristol lad ;-) but I agree that the police was the major factor mate ? But don't tell me the government didn't have a agenda in this whole affair mate,they all wanted to cover there backs ? Even now the main people are blaming each other FACT !!! It's a complete disgrace,and heads must roll ???
Thatcher hated the north & Ireland mate ??? Facts,she should pay just as the idiots in charge of this disgraceful COVER UP...
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