kalk question.

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jul 20, 2003
Detroit MI
So, I mixed up some kalk mix last night. Let it sit overnight, I went to look at it this morning, and it's a nice milky white. I thought the white was supposed to settle onto the bottom of the container. Am I supposed to drip it like this, is this what it looks like? I thought all the solid particles precipitated to the bottom leaving a nice clear uber-basic liquid. Clearly, this is my first time using kalk, and I don't want to kill anything or botch my water. I added 1 tsp. per gallon of RO/DI in the bucket. Thanks!
German word, and from what I understand, it's German for Calcium Hydroxide.
Whether it's German for it or not, that's what it is.
I haven't mixed any up lately but if I remember, it does stay a slight chalk color. But there should be a precipitate on the bottom.
At 1tsp per gallon is should be relatively clear. What brand are you using? Is it a new container?

Kalkwasser is German for Limewater.
Anyone have a good article about kalk dripping? Something to help better understand what is actually taking place aside from replinishing kalk? I drip it, but I can't say I am all that educated about it myself.
Mrs. Wage's lime.
Yes, it is a new container.
Still a bit cloudy, but it's been dripping since last night, and all tests are fine.
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