Kenya Tree not opening

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Mar 1, 2013
Michigan USA
So I went on a backpacking trip while a friend watched my tanks and since I got back my kenya tree is no longer opening up. I have read that this normally happens occasionally but apparently it hasn't opened up since I left on thursday.

Ammonia / nitrite - 0
Nitrate - 5
Phosphate - .5
Calcium - 420
dKH - 9
pH - 8.2

Since thursday the pH has risen by .1, dKH has dropped by 1, phosphate has risen by .25, and nitrate has dropped by 10.

Barring the coral being angry at my leaving it alone for a few days, the only thing I can think of is an increased phosphate level causing issues.
It's so hard to kill those things. I'd give it another day or so. Possibly do a PWC to help the levels. But honestly that thing will take up your tank in no time. I cut mine out down the nothing and a month later it's already an inch long at least.
Well it looks like I'm doing a good job killing my kenya tree then! It still hasnt opened up despite a 30% water change and a few extra days. It has even developed a few black dots on it where the polyps are.

the slightest phos and trates will affect a kenya they are hardy but very picky with water conditions what kind of water flow is it getting have you tried relocating it to a different location
try doing another water change
another thing is if they are subject to high temps they will shrivel up temps over 80* will cause them to shrink
the slightest phos and trates will affect a kenya they are hardy but very picky with water conditions what kind of water flow is it getting have you tried relocating it to a different location
try doing another water change
another thing is if they are subject to high temps they will shrivel up temps over 80* will cause them to shrink

Thanks for pointing the temperature thing out. I tried out a new thermometer and apparently my old one was broke because my tank was at 84 degrees. When I dropped the temp it opened right up. Thanks :)
What temp is yours at? I've been keeping mine at 83 an they look fine.
83 is way to hot Imo. It just stressful for the fish. Everyone once a while kenya trees wont open for a few days. You should be fine in 2-3 days
Oh i see. The high temp will definitely speed up the life cycle of any ich you have so great! Since it summer make sure your temp dosent get to high. If the tips of your kenya are discolored in anyway, your temp is to high. I have purp kenyas and one time my tank peaked 84 for 3 days straight and the tips turn brown. I drop ice bags in to my sump to lower the temp and in a few days it colored back up and opened fully. Kenyas are very hardy so i wouldn't worry to much about them
83 is way to hot Imo. It just stressful for the fish. Everyone once a while kenya trees wont open for a few days. You should be fine in 2-3 days

I've kept that temp for several months I'm also keeping green star polyp an frogspawn also seem to be doing fantastic and the fish are great
Ill probably take the temp down and see if I get better growth with the corals
I've kept that temp for several months I'm also keeping green star polyp an frogspawn also seem to be doing fantastic and the fish are great

I used to have my temp at 82 for 4 months, that dosent mean your fish arent stressing. See it as if you were in the desert, just because your active dosent mean your stressing. They maybe be living but its not healthy.

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