Killifish has an enlarged, red rimmed eye - NEED URGENT HELP

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Sep 22, 2004
Central Illinois
I'm not sure what happened but I was gone for the holiday weekend and returned to find my killifish with an enlarged, red rimmed eye. He has lost ALOT of his yellow color and is clearly sick (acting strange - different than normal).

I haven't had time to search on common diseases so DON'T flame me for that - I honestly don't have time - I need to post this fast, get a quick solution and go buy the "stuff", if that's what it comes down to, after I get off work today.

The only root cause I can find is that I fed my fish some frozen bloodworms on Mon/Tue - I left on Tuesday night and returned last night to find the Killi in its current condition.

What is it and what do I need to buy to bring my poor Killi back to 100% health?
I don't know the specific disease, but here's some general tips:

A) If you have a QT cycled, get him in there. If you don't, start setting up one now.

B) Start with a therapeutic level of salt. If the problem is an external parasite or infection, the salt can aid recovery.

C) This doesn't sound like one of the common problems, research as much as you can, and observe the fish for other symptoms that may be a more easily recognized problem.

Generic problems: physical damage, parasite, infection. If you can narrow it down to one of those you stand a much higher chance of fixing the problem.

P.S. Please post your current water parameters, and any other info about your tank that is not in your profile.
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