Kind of new to fish, new to the site!

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jun 20, 2011
Hi there! My name is Jessica, and I live in Ohio. I'm 17 years old and am working as a kind of apprentice guidance counselor at an elementary school. :) I currently have 4 tanks (wow this hobby is addicting lol). Two ten gallons, a 30 gallon, and a 55 gallon, they are stocked as follows:
10 (1):
6 neon tetra
5 Pygmy cories
1 male betta (bullet)
Filter is an AC30

10 (2):
3 female platys
1 male platy
2 African dwarf frogs
3 ottos
Filter is an AC30

6 panda cories
6 glofish
6 serape tetras
1 bristlenose pleco
1 dwarf gourami
Filter is the AC70

1 rainbow shark
12 peppered cories
4 mollies (all male I think)
8 rummynose tetras
8 harlequin rasboras
1 bristlenose pleco
Filter is 2 AC70's

I Fishless cycled all my tanks using the shrimp method, and all parameters are:
Ph: 7.2
Ammonia: 0
Nitrite: 0
Nitrate: 10
I test them with the API master kit... Is that a good kit? None of my tanks are planted, as live plants intimidate me lol.
I Also do a 50% water change on all tanks once a week.

I don't like using chemicals... So I mainly use aquarium salt and heat for ich, and if fish are hurt... I'll use pimafix and melafix... But that's really it. Lol. Is that ok? Sorry for all the questions, I'm looking forward to learning from you guys!
Welcome! Sounds like you are an old pro already!

API Master kit is the holy grail around here, and everyone loves pictures!
Welcome (it's a bit late, sorry about that). I tried to pm you about your fish but I was unable. I have read that you are unsure about your mollies gender and are possibly hoping for them to breed?

They are pretty easy to tell the genders of. The male and female anal fins differ. Females will have a fan (triangle) shaped anal fin. Males will have a modified fin known as the gonopodium. Here's some pictures to help (they are not mine). The first is a female, the second is a male. :)




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