Krib Help Needed !

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Oct 3, 2009
Kidderminster u.k
Hi Guys Need some help, Although i think i know what i gotta do ! Problem : my Male Krib has for some reason developed what i can only describe as "lockjaw" 2 Days ago i noticed he was unable to close his mouth and is struggling to breath properly. Unfortunately i've not seen him eat for the same amount of time and is becoming emaciated ! Stays in one spot and doesn't interact with other fish. No other signs of any disease or ill health, no other fish are affected in the tank. What should i do ?
Tank size: 30x12x15.
Filtration : Internal.
Stocking : 5 x Neons,1m/3f guppies, All Live plants.
Nitrites/trates Ph etc All within acceptable peramiters.
I'm gonna quote myself from another post. :)

She could have over extended her jaw, by trying to fit something in it too large.
Or injured it fighting.

This Q&A at this site may help. Fish: Kribensis with lock-jaw, cichlid research, hospital tank

If the suggestion listed there does not help, I have also read you can feed her by a syringe filled with vitamin soaked food and a broad spectrum antibiotic, and hope it works itself out.

I asked what her diet was, because a staple diet of krill has been linked to lockjaw in predatory fish. This is only because it causes vitamin deficiency.

There are certain internal parasites and bacteria that can cause lockjaw in fish.
Hexamita, which causes hole-in-the-head, can cause lockjaw.
And Fish TB

The 2 conditions listed above usually have other notable symptoms though. It's likely she has injured herself, and if her jaw is broken, she may never recover. :sad:
Hey Velocity Thanks for the info, just managed to get him into the q/tank. he's looking non to clever at all, now listing on the one side with very little movement whatsoever, not looking very promising at all !!!
i also saw jsoong recommend checking their mouth/throat for rock/sand... if i remember correctly, he said he had seen fish accidentally swallow a piece of gravel and having that same look... that would be worth checking in to before euthanizing it if nothing else appears to solve the problem
Thanks for the response but Alas "tis not to be" ! Poor Yorick Has departed form this world into the BIG Aquarium in the sky
Got in from work at 22:00 to find him passed
Have looked at him closely but he's got me Baffled ! no signs of ANY problems whatsoever so i can only assume he had been fighting and come off the worse for it, Checked the rest of the tank and all is good, will keep a close eye on it for the next few days but as i say all looks ok.
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