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Aquarium Advice Freak
Oct 4, 2004
San Jose CA
Are kribensis brackish...I have a book that says they are brackish and require a certain amount of salt in their tank.So I thought they would go good in my BW comminty tank.
I have heard both sides of this issue, so i took the time to research a couple of dozen sources on the net. There seems to be a general agreement that Kribs prefer a low pH and softer water, but will tolerate brachish salt levels. I think this began in the early 1980's when the LFS would try to encourage a brachish setup and were looking to place any fish in the tank which would tolerate these salt levels. You can add them to your BW tank if you want, but they would be happier if you didn't!
I have done little reserch too and they dont like brackish and all and it is not healthy for them ethier.

Dan :)
so krids aren't good in brackish enviroments
Are your bb gobies very active? I find that mine are all over the tank. Perhaps if yours were more active, there wouldn't be an empty void at the top of the tank. What is the current salinity? What are you feeding them?
Sounds good. The gobies will benefit from a variety of other frozen foods including mystis shrimp, blood worms and other tasty nasties.
Feed them a varied diet i feeed my fish, Algea Disks, Shrimp Pellets, Cichlid Flakes, tropical flakes, shrimp, bloodworms, tubifex worms, and more too come once i get back to my lfs.
Yes i vary my fishes diet well. :D :D

Dan :)
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