Large Water Change

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jul 10, 2011
So my 55g tank is now cycled (excited but I will miss the cycling/testing process). My question is, do I do the big water change now if I plan to add fish a week from now? Or do I just continue to dose ammo until then?

Also, what should the time frame be between dosing ammo and adding the fish?
I'd continue to dose the ammo, and the day before getting fish do a massive pwc and get your nitrAtes below 20.

Awesome job :). It really is fun doing a fishless cycle sometimes even though thats hard to believe, lol.
Trust me, it was fun for me. I enjoyed every day of it. And I now understand how the process works and have better appreciation for everything. You have been a great help eco
After I do the water change the day before I add fish, do I put ammo in? Or would the bacteria be ok for that day?
It'll be fine :). The general consensus is that it can survive for around a week before significant die off...but there's no point in risking it. Just remember to turn down your heater if you have it raised, and do the big pwc the day before.

Remember that pics are a requirement of AA membership! :fish2:
1. I didnt use a heater
2. I will take some pics and upload soon
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