Lazy Sebae Anemone ?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Aug 9, 2003
New York
I just bought a Sebae Anemone for my clowns about two days ago. I put it in the 55 gallon tank (been set up for about a year now), with a Coral Life 250 watt compact light. It moves around somewhat, and all three clownfish are playing and sleeping inside it . But it has not rooted anywheres yet.It just lays on its side showing its large bright pink "bottom half". It wont grab live rock OR bury its tube in the sand. Is this normal for a newly added anemone? Its kind of an eyesore when it shows the bright pink bottom half, but the pet shop says it will look like this when it roots. Do i just need patience?
Oh, and its not dark colored either. Its like a bright greenish, pinkish whitish color. And its not as big as it should be. Basicly, it has not expanded and darkened yet. It just lays on its side, bumping into things and showing its big pink nasty lookin bottom. :(
Was the anemone attatched at the LFS when you got it?? My first suspicion would be that it's foot was damaged either during it's initial collection, or when it was removed from the LFS tank.
Also, sebae are reportedly extremely difficult to keep. It is possible that even your LFS didn't have up-to-Par living conditions for the sebae. Does it eat? Does it react when you touch it? I'm pretty sure that the darker the color, the more healthy the sebae is, due to the zooanthellae.
When i saw it at the pet store it was showing its large pink stub also, laying on its side. The store just got it in on a large shipment, and the owner said it didnt have chance to root yet. This place is VERY caring towards customers, and he wouldnt even sell me some corals until i bought the proper lighting for them, so i can tell he loves his animals that he sells. Anyways, its not sticky, its very slippery at the touch right now, and it keeps contorting its shape and movin all over. I just woke up this morning and it made a huge hole in the sand in the middle of the tank, and it looks like it found an awesome spot to root! So, its in the process of digging i guess. I am just extremely impatient, my wife will tell you, I was about to superglue it to a rock :x (just kidding)
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