LED Full Tank Lighting

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Interesting idea, I'm not sure of their "width" of light that they would put out.
They also claim:
"Promotes strong and healthy coral, invertebrate and plant growth"
At 4 W total, I'm not sure they could support corals (but that's not your question) except in a ver small tank, but I am not an expert on lighting.
Hopefully some one more knowledgeable can help....
I don't think those are going to do what you want them to. If you are looking for LED lighting for your reef then you need to look into the Solaris lighting system....
If your going to look at the solaris be sure to check the price tag before you read to much into it. very very expensive
Yea price is a bit much, maybe I'll just stick to the original plan and just have one or two for the shimmering effect.
Right now there is a hold on the Solaris systems. They have moved their manufacturing back to the USA to correct the faulty assembly. I have seen them in action first hand and they are very impressive. The guy I got the 150 from has them on his 10' long 450g tank. They are EXTREMELY EXPENSIVE but with bulb life close to 10 years they will pay for themselves over time. Maybe when I get rich...lol

After doing more reading on the lights you suggested I think they will work fine for the application you are looking for.

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