Leopard ctenopoma breeding....??

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He's in a 40 gallon with an albino senegalus polypterus, clown pleco, and Bolivian Ram

Rockyofhockey _/.\_

Nice, mine are moving from my 20g grow out to a 40g grow out in the next few days. I house mine with clown loaches and a rubber lip pleco. I'm trying to grow them out to 5-6" so they can join my bichirs in the 125g, I'm hoping their bodies will be to thick to see as a meal.
Nice, mine are moving from my 20g grow out to a 40g grow out in the next few days. I house mine with clown loaches and a rubber lip pleco. I'm trying to grow them out to 5-6" so they can join my bichirs in the 125g, I'm hoping their bodies will be to thick to see as a meal.

My bichir is the only fish he doesn't chase in the tank. They seem to really like each other ??? im not sure if it's an African thing ??

Rockyofhockey _/.\_
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