Light Duration

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Oct 10, 2012
How many hours each day should the lights be on in an African Cichlid tank?
Is this just for viewing pleasure? Considering you probably don't have a planted tank, being that you have african cichlids, anywhere from 8-16hrs on a schedule. What light/bulb combo do you have. If its high powered watch for algae on a longer duration. Just my opinion
Is this just for viewing pleasure? Considering you probably don't have a planted tank, being that you have african cichlids, anywhere from 8-16hrs on a schedule. What light/bulb combo do you have. If its high powered watch for algae on a longer duration. Just my opinion

Just for viewing pleasure yes. I have in some cheap pinkish coloured bulbs that came with the tank but I ordered 2 50/50 bulbs instead. Nothing nigh powered they are just standard T8 fluorescents.
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