Lighting above tank, A+ for ease, D- for algae

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Mar 13, 2005
Aberdeen, WA
Well the lighting above the tank works well. I could access everything without messing with fixtures in any way. The plants get lots of light and I really enjoyed it. That was until the algae almost took over my AC HOB. It grew 10 times faster than in the tank.

So now I have a system that allows me to lower the light fixture to the top of the tanks most of the time and when I need to get to them, I pull a rope and up it goes, out of the way and still lights my tanks.

Moral of the story, keep your lighting on the tank and off your filters or you will have to clean the filter a lot more than normal!
I had the same problem, I was growing a nice forest of algae off the Biomax insert in my AquaClear. Easy fix was to cover the lid of the filter with tinfoil. It doesn''t fit on as well but with the whole back of the canopy open anyway, who cares!
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