lighting and anemones??

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Feb 8, 2005
Mountians of Pa.
we want mostly fish in the tank with some liverock for decoration.

please any and all advice and opinions are welcome

i have a :

125 gallon 72" long

seaclone skimmer

2 _36' 96 watt compact florscents that we took the double 50/50 bulbs out of and replaced with double 10,000k daylights
72" florescent with 2 - ft8 30watt atinic reef bulbs

*****( is this enough light? and what should timers be set for?)

cascade 1500 , with 2 foot output wand- 350gph

2, seio powerheads - 670 gph each

*****( Is this enough movement ? and should i let air bubbles into tank or run the powerheads with just water flow?)
2-3" of crushed coral
10# or so of live rock ( with 10# in tub curing)

living in tank now are:

2 maroon clowns (male-1 1/2" , female 2")
2 pajama cardinals ( 2")
2 green chromis (2") , ( 4 more new ones in qt tank- 1")
brittle star
1 coral banded shrimp
6 hermit crabs
neon bubbletip anemone ( 6")
rose bubbletip anemone (3")

nitra - 0-5
ph 8.4
With some newer information out on anemones about how feeding is more important than lighting I would say that your lighting is adequate for your BTA's if you feed them enough to fulfill there needs. Which I'm assuming is about every other day.

Since you have BTA's and it's not strictly a FOWLR a lot people run the day time lights between 8-12 hrs a day.

That should be enough flow since this is mainly a FOWLR tank. You might want to add more smaller PH if you have a lot of dead spots in the tank. No need create air bubbles, just point your PH slightly towards the water surface to help with the gas exchange.
thanks , the cascade filter has a 2 foot wand that goes on the back of the tank and shoots water over the surface towards the front , is this enaough or should i still aim the powerheads towards the top
How old is the tank? What type of water do you use? Anemones are delicate and they require a mature tank with great water quality.
IMO thats not enough light for an anemone. Thats a total of 96watt pc ? and its only half the size of the tank.
Are they regular folr bulbs or VHO?
I see you already have them how are they doing? i hope they do well, but IMO you need more light.
Klam what new reading have you done about them?? Everything I have read says lights are #1 with them? Can you post the article you read... Thanks..
I have 2 Rose BTA's and a 75gal and I got the first one when I had a 4x65 PC and read not to feed them. Well, it lost all of it's tentacles within 2 months. Then I put 2 x 250 MH on my tank and got my other BTA. It is Beautiful!!!! Full, Red! Just georgeous.. I feed her a big fat silverside every other day and whatever food she grabs during normal feeding of the tank, it's been 3 months and all is Great!! So, the poor BTA I first got is still hanging in there, he has 1 tentacle and I have to put the food directly in his mouth, I hope she comes back around.

So, IMO Plenty of LIGHT and FOOD not sure which is more important????
IMO thats not enough light for an anemone. Thats a total of 96watt pc ? and its only half the size of the tank.
Are they regular folr bulbs or VHO?

the lights i have on there are (2) colarlite 36"compacts that fit the lenght of the 72"tank with double bulbs, we took out the 2-50/50 doulbe bulbs that came with them and replaced with 2 double sunpac 96 watt 10,000 K daylights

we also have a florescent 72" with 2 34"atinic reef bulbs ( t830) ??

thats what they recommended and sold me at "that fish place" in lancaster pa
,they said its enough light since my tank is not deep ???????

how are they doing
there doing great , opened alot bigger then what they were in the store , the clowns have already found them and made homes , i fed them silversides, they rejected the krill ,, i was told twice a week ??
Just so you know, a SeaClone isn't anywhere close to enough skimming on a 125gal tank. Don't believe the manufacture's claim that a seaclone 150 is for tanks up to 150 gallons. a seaclone 150 won't even keep a 75gallon well-skimmed.
what about VHO bubls?? ive got a 2 and 4 bulb ballasts available.

my hubby says he can use them to make a fixture ,,

what bulbs should i put in it ???
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