Lighting conditions for Tetras

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Nov 19, 2016

I read that neon tetras like living in a darker environment with dim lights. Has anyone kept neons in a normally lit environment?

Maybe it affects them to the point that they die. Obviously you'll have to buy some sort of halide lamp or just a regular desk light. BUT, the main interest is if these fish have been kept in a plant light tank...

Thanks, Hope you learn something!:fish2:
Hello Mr...

If you keep to relatively equal periods of light and dusk or very dim lighting, most fish you get at the fish store like Tetras, will be fine. I've never heard of fish dying from the use of standard aquarium lighting. It's generally from poor water conditions, like missing the weekly water change for several weeks.

Hardy fish from the pet stores are easy to keep as long as you don't crowd them and keep their water free of dissolved waste material. I remove and replace most of the water in my tanks weekly, so the water is always clean and the chemistry stays steady. Do this, and the fish will take care of themselves.

I would think that *most* people keep them in normally lit tank.

Either way, with neon tetras the hardest part is finding good quality stock in good condition.
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