Lighting Help

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
May 5, 2012
Utah, USA
Hey everyone, I just joined and this will be my frist post! I have a few quick questions.

I keep reading that I should have about 2-5 watts per gallon for my lighting, but I can only find 15watt bulbs that fit my tank (the bulb has to be 18"). So currently I only have about .5 watts per gallon and I think that is why my dwarf hairgrass is turning brown after just one day in the tank :( do you have any suggestions on what I can do to increase my wattage?


I've had a tank for a while, but I just started planting it


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Hi, welcome to AA!

You're not going to find higher wattage bulbs that will fit your T8 fixture. If you wanted more wattage, id recommend upgrading to a T5 fixture or T5 HO. or, you could keep your current lighting setup and just grow lower light plants.

The watts per gallon rule really doesn't apply anymore, so I wouldn't go by it. This chart helped me a lot. It's from a user named Hoppy on another planted tank forum.

Check out for T5 HO. They're cheap, and decent fixtures.
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