Lighting Question

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jan 18, 2006
Ontario, Canada
Hello all, have any of you tried having your lights turn completely off for a few hours during your normal lighting period? On, off, on type of thing? I read it can help to stunt algea in your tank without having any negative effect your plants or fish. I have lights on two timers to stagger the light intensity in my tank but am starting to have slight cloudy water issues again and was thinking of giving this a try. I am currently running 4 WPG at full light with all good fert levels and 30 ppm CO2. lighting period is 12 hours, 10 at full intensity. I was wondering if anyone has tried this full light interruption with any success? TIA
Tried it for a couple months. Didn't seem to stunt algae one bit.

I'd up your CO2 levels to 40ppm with that much light.
Maybe decrease photo period to 11hours total, 9hours at full intensity.

Are you having a little algae, or an outbreak? and what type.
Thanks Malkore, it's looking like green water again, only slight, but I've seen it before. Other than that, the plant colour and growth are good. I'm keeping a close eye on fert levels, tank was a bit low on P04, also increasing K to 15 ppm. Current levels are 10ppm N03, 1 P04, 15 ppm K. Dosing 2ml of exel once a day and using small doses of TMG for micros twice a week as my water is very hard. Going to hold these fert levels firm for a couple of weeks and see what happens with the water clarity. I really want to try to maintain this level of light. It just looks so darn pretty! Also I think it is necessary for some of the plants I want to grow to do well. (Rotala Mac and Ammania senegalinsis.) I have read of others running even higher levels with succsess. I don't mind the maintenance, just want to see good results! It is frustrating, but in some stange way I like the challenge! Thanks again.
It didn't do anything for me either. I tried it for a couple weeks about a year ago when battling BBA, fuzz, and hair algae.

European and Asian aquarists promoting the noon-burst lighting method usuallyy limit it to 4-6 hours from what I've read/recall.

Good luck -- that tank is already sweet. It is going to be mind blowing when you dial it in to your standards.
I have my lights set to go on at 9, off at 2, on at 5 and off at 11. That gives me 11 hours of light (all full intensity since both bulbs run off the same ballast). I initially did it for the same reasons as you, to try and help a GW problem. I'm still not sure what's up with the GW, but one advantage for me is I can feed the fish in the morning, and enjoy the tank till I go to bed without having the lights on for 14 hours. Other than that I don't know if it's helping. I am also at ~4 wpg (192watts PC on a 55) and currently have no algae except a little green spot on the glass and the GW.

I would love to hear if anyone else has experiences with this idea
Hey all, My tank is looking better today, did a 50% water change and am carefully monitoring ferts. Newfound, The interruption in light is good for me as well as I go to work early and get home late. Don't get to see my tank in full light for long, now I can get a couple more hours to watch without running the light for to long. Most of the veteran aquatic gardeners I've talked to say this method is usless for algea control, If it doesn't show any detrimental effects Ill keep it up just for the extra late night time I get to stare at my tank!
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