lion fish

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Apr 21, 2004
My trigger has bitten of half of my lions fins and he cant swim proberly. Will he be alright? Will they grow back?
They may grow back, if the trigger is removed and the lion is left in peace, however you must pay close attention for a bacterial infection and treat with an antibiotic if necessary. In a predator tank, I can almost guarantee there will be an infection, the water quality will see to that.
The lion is about 4 1/2 inches long and still has about 1 to 2 inches of fins left. I also have a lunar wrasse could it have been him?
Your Trigger shouldn't get sick from eating fins. Triggers are very aggressive. If I were you, I would work out a deal with your LFS to exchange your Trigger for another non agressive fish. :roll:
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