Little worms???

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Aquarium Advice Addict
May 10, 2005
I just looked in my senegal bichir's tank that has like thousands of ramshorn snail babies in it and on the glass I found this little tiny 1/4" opaque worm things crawling around....what are these? O_O; I mean they're ALL over the tank glass squirming around in different sizes...he's the only one in the tank

I should also mention that my senegal bichir hasn't been eating (at least from what I can tell) and keeps swishing his food to the back of the tank...snails are having a field day. Are these parasites? I think that he ate most of his frozen blood worms the other day. Maybe contamination?
Yeah I just found something on them LOL yeah that sounds like it...he's like...acting like he's hungry then get scared of the food and runs away and his tail swishes it all into the back >__<
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