Live daphnia culture tank

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jul 5, 2009
Mckinney Texas
This is the tank ive set up tonight preparing for running my own daphnia culture. Its a 10g half full loaded with ferts and some crushed up spirinula flakes, good light and heat. Come on GW! Anyone else ever put one up that can give me any pointers? Probabbly wont need the heater, its above my dryer.
prob wont need the heater. people in so cali do it out side and they have problems in the summer time for it getting too hot. i always been told get old tank water put some yeast in there leave it in the sun so it turns green then add them.
I wish I could leave it outside, but my apartment complex would probbably have an an aneurysm if I did. But Ill add some yeast too. Thats not a bad idea.
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