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Aquarium Advice Activist
Nov 8, 2013
I took a long break from aquariums and recently got the fever to start again. I purchased everything new except for the stand and light. Every other item was purchased new in the last week.

I wasnt going for any theme but maybe a slightly loose Asian type biotope. The substrate is probably a little lighter colored but Ive always done dark substrates. All the plants dont "require" CO2 but may benefit from it. Im going to try ferts for 2-3 months then decide on CO2.

Equipment: Deep Blue 30G tank
Finnex Planted+
Penn Plax Cascade 700
Aqueon Pro 150w

Substrate: CaribSea Instant Torpedo Beach 40lbs
40 root tabs

Flora: Anubia Nana
Eustrelis Stellata
Echodorus Hadi Red
Vallisneria Americana
Crypt Wendtii Gecko
Crypt Tropica
Echinodorus Bleheri
Rotala Rotundifolia Red(might determine if CO2 needed)

Fauna: TBD after cycling but most likely something like this

1- Pearl gourami( love peaceful gouramis)
6- Checkered Barb (Another favorite)
10- Lambchop rasbora( good activity)
2- Peacock Gudgeon(favorite all time fish)
6- Panda Cories ( they are Asian right? Get it? Panda?:ROFLMAO:

I was going to do Zebra loaches but who doesnt love cories? Plus the substrate is perfect for their barbels.



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