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Theres is 99.9% chance it couldnt get out.. My filter intake is almost caged so it cant be in there..when i did the rockscaping at the begining i made sure no crevises were accesible so i could avoid this. What im thinkin is it died between 10pm and 8 am and my inverts ate him.. BUT both my cleaner shrimp molted lastmight and both casings were there untill a few hrs ago saw about 8 inverts grubbn on them
I have closure now.. Found sweetlip dead behind brain coral.. No missing fins or bite marks.. Got pretty well stuck in the coral.. I had 4 people wirh flash lights looking for it
Glad you found it, that does at least give you an answer. I hate when a fish goes missing and theres no "answer".
Really sorry about your fish, they are very cool fish either way.

Good luck!!
I still cant get over the fact it died... Through the years of doing this iv had my share die in SW and FW tanks but i took that one rough :/
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