Looking for advice on a planted Freshwater community tank.

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Nov 21, 2016
This summer my 6 yr old son won a gold fish from a carnival. Wasn't too interested in the maintenance, never owned a fish tank before, but of course gave in and now there's no turning back. I'm addicted! Lol. Just to give a back story real quick to bring you up to speed where I am now:
Got the goldfish put him in a 1 gallon round bowl with stone and a little deco with no filter . Had him for 2 months with frequent water changes then added a friend. Instantly realizing, ok now it's time for a bigger tank.
Got a hand me down lighted hood 10 gallon with hang on back aqueon filter, a heater and deco.
Set it all up with water conditioner. Was doing great.
(Didn't realize I had to cycle it.) But didn't really encounter a problem until recently. Ended up doing research to find out what fish could live in harmony with Comet goldfish. Ended up getting 6 zebra danios, 2 rosy barbs and 2 gold barbs. And that's where things started to go downhill...
What I have left now in that tank is... The 2 original goldfish, 1 gold barb and 5 zebras. The rest died and I felt terrible about it.
Here comes the next part to the story. And that's why I'm looking for help advice anything so this doesn't happen again.
I received another hand me down tank from a friend and it's a 36 or 37 gallon I believe. (Not a bowed front). (36"L, 12"W, 20"H). So I wanted to do this one right and not have the problems I had with the first tank. Bought all new stuff for it. Aqueon 50 hob filter, a 300w heater, air pump and air stone and a 36inch led light strip with white and blue spectrums. All from Amazon.com because everything was much cheaper there than price gouging Petco.
A friend in the hobby has steered me over to Liveaquaria.com for better fish to buy as opposed to the ones I have been buying at Petco.
Now I have been going "research crazy." Ended up buying plants from there and and substrate and am currently in 1 week fishless tank cycle till this morning when I introduced one of my zebras to the tank to help in the cycle process before buying some new fish. I feel I need to mention that the goldfish will NOT be put into this new tank.
I don't have actaul CO2 and have been dosing the plants daily with Seachem Flourish Excel. I have included pictures and am looking for advice on which fish and how many I can add to the tank. I am interested in Tetras (cardinal black phantom and rummynose) and maybe a Betta. Any advice would be appreciated. I'm being very patient not rushing into anything and want to learn the right way so I don't end up with the problems i encountered through the year. Thanks for reading all this craziness hope it helps to know my back story.


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Welcome !

Soapbox time:
Comet Goldfish need large tanks or ponds for long term health. They get big FAST. If they can't grow they stunt. They die young in small tanks.

Comets can get 8-12" each and can live over 25yrs.

If you want to keep your GF then think about upgrading them ASAP.

There are DIY vids on YouTube about using sturdy Rubbermaid bins as indoor ponds. A 40-50g tank or bin would work. A bin may need a strap around center if the sides bow. Used tanks are often sold cheap. Some stores do $1/gallon sales. Petco does.

GF need major filtration. They are poop machines but will reward good care with lots of personality. Again you can DIY a filter or get a used Canister.

Test your water daily. An API Master test kit is the best one. Keep a close eye on the 10g or fish will start dying again.

Your fish died because your tank was overstocked, underfiltered and water became poop soup. Not because they came from Petco.

Here is a link that may give you some good info. It's aimed at Fancy GF but some of the info still applies. Except Comets need even more space.


Thank you for your reply. I am slowly realizing my many fish tank problems :( I'm not even sure what I am going to do with the goldfish. Was hoping to keep just one nice tank. That's why I started that second tank. A friend had mentioned he was looking into getting fish for his kids and was actually thinking about just giving them away :/
Thank you for your reply. I am slowly realizing my many fish tank problems :( I'm not even sure what I am going to do with the goldfish. Was hoping to keep just one nice tank. That's why I started that second tank. A friend had mentioned he was looking into getting fish for his kids and was actually thinking about just giving them away :/

Sorry to dump all that on you. Can you offer them on CL to a pond owner ( not for feeders).

Poor GF. So much wrong info out there. They are great fish...just get big.

Do your research on compatibility for new tank.
I tell people to pick a favorite fish and build stocking plans around that species.

My fish mostly come from Petsmart. I get a few at nice LFSs that aren't local. My Petsmart fish are mostly super healthy. But I look at entire tank before I buy and I'm very selective. I often net my own fish.

I've been hunting for the perfect Pearl Gourami for my 55g. Glad I waited to find him.


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