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4 1/2 months old. I just wanted to see what would be a good one for a first one. Im not going to get one untill a couople of months or more down the road.
What type of lighting do you have? This will greatly effect the specis you can keep. As mentioned, a BTA is a fairly good choice, especially if you can get one that has been captive raised.
I would pick another type of coral for your fish to host in....It doesnt need an anemone.
IMHO anemones are trouble.....they eat your stock and when they move they kill your other corals.
I have a small one in my tank...It has done well for the past 9 months, but it just ate my arrow crab...I found his carapass on the bottom in front of the anemone. I am debating on taking him back to the LFS.
If u decide to get an anemone, try to get a captive raised BTA. I love mine. Its sting is so weak it can't kill anything that has came close to it (touched it): cleaner shrimp, green chromis, zoos, finger leather. It hasn't moved around much at all.
i got a RBTA because my clown wasnt sleeping properly the strawberry pseudochromie was being teritorial with the rocks eventhough its a large tank...anyway i got it during the second month and its doing great, found a home within 3 days and hasnt moved since, my clown spends 90% of his time there and he feeds it occasionally.
so i dont think you need to wait...if your clown is not sleeping...then get one. or get something else it can host will be so much happier.