looking for fertilizer

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Nov 1, 2004
Columbia, SC
I have a 30gal planted tank with 2.5W/gal and 3 Vals and 2 sprites . I am loking to get a few more plants soon. I just started injecting DIY CO2. My question is what kind of fertilizers can I use. My Nitrates seem to be hangin around 7ish. Also are there any alternative (homemade, DIY) fertilizers out there instead of buying the semi-expensive liquid stuff???
Check out www.gregwatson.com. He has info on home made ferts and sells the chemicals. He has links to The Krib, where there are numerous articles on plant dosing. Many of the chemicals are available at your pharmacy cheap.
malkore said:
[_____________] carries some stuff too, just for something to compare with. (I'm a man who likes options ;)

I like those comparisons of all three links ... especially on price ... and even more so after you add shipping and handling <GREAT BIG GRIN>!!!

Greg Watson
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