looking into the pps or ei system.

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Oct 15, 2012
Sussex county delaware
I dont have a test kit and really dont have a reason to have one but if i invest in the gla system what does it entail? i saw you need a scale and other thing but was looking for some advice.
Normal dosing is 1ml of each solution for every 10g tank water every day. You dose macro's at one end of the tank and the micro mix at the other end.

I use 3 dosing bottles as I put nitrates in one dosing bottle, phosphates and potassium in one bottle, then micro's in the 3rd bottle. This allows you to better dose ferts to the needs of you tank.

I test for nitrates and phosphates each week right before my WC to see where levels are at the end of a dosing week. This then allows me to use more, less, or the same amount of nitrates and or phosphate/potassium mix for the next weeks dosing. In a planted tank you want nitrates at 10-20ppm and phosphates at 1-3ppm. Micros you always dose at the same amount.

Also if you have hard water with a gh of 4 then you don't need to use MgSO4, magnesium sulfate. Most tap water has plenty of magnesium in it for plants.

Here is the fert package that has all the ferts you need... Estimative Index | Aquarium Fertilizer | Green Leaf Aquariums.

There are 2 sizes of dosing bottles you can use, just be sure to get 3. They are at the bottom of the page... Aquarium Plant Fertilizer | Green Leaf Aquariums. If you use the 500ml bottles be sure to half the recipe listed as it's for a 1000ml dosing bottle.

Lastly are you using CO2 or liquid carbon?
Personally, I prefer the EI dosing method over the pps pro. With EI there is a higher level of nutrients in the tank to be sure that there won't be any deficiencies for the plants.

Honestly, both systems are very good but to me PPS pro seems to be a bit more about finesse when compared to EI
Im using liquid carbon daily. With dynamite root tabs and liquid ferts twice a week.

You shouldn't have to use root tabs every two weeks unless the package says to. Most last anywhere from about 45 days to 3 or so months depending on the size and type of plants your using them on.

I don't know what amount of liquid carbon your using but try upping it to 1ml liquid carbon to every 5 gallons of water.
I use liquid ferts twice a week sorry. I put new root tabs in once a month and my liquid carbon is already around that much daily. My tank is growing fine its just that liquid ferts are expensive to buy so i wanted to change it up
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