Low/medium light in 10 gallon

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Mar 17, 2016
I am looking for a led that will give me enough light to carpet Monte Carlo at about 10iches of depth. I have heard that the finnex stingray or beamswork green element evo might do the trick but wasn't sure. Would either of these be considered med light in my tank?
Stingray would be 35 par at substrate in a 10g per you tube videos. I have a stingray. Never grown m.carlo. If I was to id get a 24/7 to put odds in my favor. Ive seen s.repens carpet with stingray but I doubt m.carlo would. Obviously co2 will be a big help regardless.

I do think a stingray can make a nice 10g tank though.
I have heard that the beamswork green element might set my above 80 par so I'm a little hesitant on that as it does not have a dimmer. I am trying to look for a led that's below 80$
Regular planted plus if I remember is around 48 at substrate in a 10g. Again there are tube videos with par data.

Im not really into carpets. You can definitely get bottom growth. Probably take a while and a lot of work.

I went with a stingray and co2. I think I could carpet some plants. But I know nothing about m.carlo. I have helferi that grows well in my substrate as well as parva
I have heard that the beamswork green element might set my above 80 par so I'm a little hesitant on that as it does not have a dimmer. I am trying to look for a led that's below 80$

Are u planning on using pressurised co2?

If not I don't like your chances with MC,HC,Glosso as a carpet.

Lighting is the last factor for a lush carpet
Are u planning on using pressurised co2?

If not I don't like your chances with MC,HC,Glosso as a carpet.

Lighting is the last factor for a lush carpet

I am currently using excel but planning on getting the fluval mini co2. I don't want to get a paintball co2 for such a small tank.
I am currently using excel but planning on getting the fluval mini co2. I don't want to get a paintball co2 for such a small tank.

Get a paintball, those fluval ones won't last very long between fills. Maybe 3 weeks tops? Better to go bigger rather than smaller.

If your going pressurised then the beams work will be fine. I currently run 80 par at substrate in my 60g and growth is great.

If u can push a little bit more get the 24/7. U won't regret it
Ill mail you my fluval lol. It lasts about three weeks which wasn't the problem. You can get threaded refills for a buck. So yes cost is more than paintball but still cheap enough.

Problem is the cartridges are so small that as the gas is used your constantly adjusting the bubble count. It very touchy again cause it so small. Gets old real quick.
Read my edit on my post above. PM me if your in usa ill mail it.
Get a paintball, those fluval ones won't last very long between fills. Maybe 3 weeks tops? Better to go bigger rather than smaller.

If your going pressurised then the beams work will be fine. I currently run 80 par at substrate in my 60g and growth is great.

If u can push a little bit more get the 24/7. U won't regret it

I guess I wouldn't mind paying the extra money for the cartridges i would rather deal with that then a bigger setup.

If I were to get the 24/7 would I be able to leave it on 24/7 mode without worrying about algae?
Maybe maybe not. Lots of variables.

Have you had any issues with the stingray? I think I'm leaning more toward that or the 24/7
The plants I currently have in the tank are java moss, jungle Val and Monte Carlo which again I'm trying to carpet.
Had a very small amount of clado I introduced from collecting plants. Clado is introduced. No algae problem with stingray (7hrs) I have alot of plants, co2, macro/micro, and keep up with maintenance though.

Edit....had bba on piece of parva from fluval system lol
lol I've been lucky enough to not have bba in my tank yet. I've been running my finnex fugeray for about 9 hours a day and only have slight hair algae but that's about it.

Sadly the light is giving out now and I'm curious to see my options are for my current setup. I'm guessing the planted plus might be overkill on such a small tank?
I got it from not maintaining ppm when I went to aquatek and held 30ppm it went away in less than 2 weeks. The fluval system is a liability.
Get the 24/7 because of the dimmer. I used it on my low tech shrimp tank and am now using it on a high tech tank (with pressurized CO2). Carpeting HC Cuba at the moment. Note: to maintain a good looking lawn, be prepared to trim it 1-2x a week. It's a pita. MC might be a bit more forgiving.
I would rather do DIY CO2 than the Fluval cartridges.
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