Low-Tech 10g Planted Build

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I have great news: I'm done cycling!!!!!! :D
ammonia 0
nitrites 0
nitrates 5-10
I took out the biomax I used to seed and I'll continue feeding it for the next few days so it will become stabler lol. Also about the plants, I've read it's a pretty reliable source from the reviews.


And good to know, the reviews always help.

Now get to hardscapin' haha. :p
Alright have fun planting, it's the best part IMO.


And good to know, the reviews always help.

Now get to hardscapin' haha. :p

I know, I can't wait lol. I just have to order the plants, I'm waiting on a reply from someone who I emailed about their prices (they were recommended by someone on the site). :jump::jump::jump::jump: I can barely contain my excitement lol.
I would not go and purchase moss that isn't very common, example like Christmas moss or star moss. I ordered some of that Christmas moss and showed up months later, completely forgot I ordered it, and it wasn't in very good condition. Plus it never really grew anyways.

If your looking for some type of different moss your better off getting some from your backyard. Which I tried and had good success until I got a bad algae attack and never tried again.

Stick with your plan with the willow, and keep trying different mosses until you find one you like. If your looking for a flatter look go with willow or java, if your looking for something that grows more upright I would suggest some flame moss.

You should add some measurements as well for those sticks, they seem large in the picture for a ten gallon.

Add in about shipping:
Just make sure you get the plants from a reliable source. I received I very bad shipment before when I began to order a lot online and didn't worry too much about reliability and I ended up with just a bunch of stems. Some of the stems grew but most of the shipment was just mush and didn't receive anything for their screw up.

Did you order off of ebay? That is where I wanted to buy xmas moss from.

Congrats on the cycle AQ! :D
I bought some fissidens from a guy in Thailand a few days ago, and it was like 5-6$ for a 2"x2" bunch, when another dude was selling it for like 36$. Thought it was a good deal :p
lol aq, i was just wondering about the ebay. the seller i was looking at seems tohave real good feedback. it was .99 for some, i don't remember how much . sry this message is al messed up lol logan is squirming in my lap
lol aq, i was just wondering about the ebay. the seller i was looking at seems tohave real good feedback. it was .99 for some, i don't remember how much . sry this message is al messed up lol logan is squirming in my lap

I got mine from Aquabid from that famous seller on their like AquaticPlant something blah blah blah lol.

I recieved them months later in very poor condition. But besides that I ordered a plant package from someone on a forum, dont feel like searching through reviews for them, but recieved mush and stems and didn't get anything from the complaint.

Just have to take the chance, its kind of like gambling unless you get a for sure you will have them guarenteed
I'm so glad I found this thread! This sounds exactly like what I'm planning on doing with my 10 gal once I'm done using as a quarantine tank while stocking my 55 gal. Are you having to use a CO2 setup with this tank? I want to use plants in mine that don't require CO2. I will definitely be watching this thread while trying to plan for my tank.
I don't think I'm going to use CO2 considering its a low light tank, and low tech. At the most I'd do DIY CO2 but that's about it. Thanks for the interest :D I'm so excited!!!! :D :D :D lol
be careful about ordering from ebay... alot of the plants i've seen are shipped from overseas, which can take quite a while if customs gets curious about them... i would never buy from anywhere outside the US (maybe canada) for stuff like that.
JOM ordered some Weeping moss from someone on AquaBid and she's gonna tell me how it goes. If it works out, I'll get some too.
Yes that ebay seller turned out to be Aquatic Magic which is who I have been hearing takes forever and sells crappy plants so I'll be looking at that site you gave me instead AQ. Thanks for the tip rookie I didn't even think about that (ordering out of the us)
yep, if you look at that listing for xmas moss for $.99, you'll see that the item location is Johor, Malaysia. Thats the only thing that's kept me from ordering it there
Put in my dw, and I love it :D



sorry about the color being slightly off, my camera isn't perfect.
You should try to make the back of the river narrower and the front wider to make have more depth.
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