Magnum 350 / Just got it!

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Sep 15, 2003
I just bought a used magnum 350 w/ biowheels (but I'm not using them) It also came with new cartridge 3 pads and a bunch of x-tra rings. 60.00 bucks. Any suggestions or tips for using it. I just hooked it up without a manual and it works great and no leaks. My biggest concern is future leaks.
Nice pick up! :D

I got one too. Very nice piece of equipment. Do you have the quick release valves? They come with the Deluxe version I think. Since yours came with the bio wheels I'm guessing you have them. If not, you HAVE to pick them up cuz it makes it so much easier to maintain.

As far as leaks are concerned, just be sure you have properly placed the "O" ring when putting the lid on. If you place this wrong then you may have leakage issues. Keep checking it each week to ensure all connections are still secure. Connecting the hoses required a securing band (a real pain to put on). Those bands are what keeps the hoses attached though. Not sure if you got the bands installed since you don't have a manual. That could also be a future leakage (if not complete spillage) issue.

Why aren't you using the bio wheels? I can't due to space limitations (I have a corner tank) but if I could I sure would set them up! :D
Yes I have the quick connects and they seem to work well. I don't understsnd the bands though. Where do they go. I'm not using the wheels because I als0o have an emperor 400 on the 75 gallon tank. I don't need both but thats what I have for now. I'll probably run them later and move the emperor or just leave it and enjoy the crystal clear water. Anyway where do the bands go? right now they are on the flexible tubes just below where they connect to the quick connects.
The bands slide back over the flexible hoses where they're over the plastic connectors. They act as "hose clamps". I love my Magnum, I have it on my planted tank and it works great as a CO2 reactor as the impeller is on the bottom and doesn't risk airlocking.
morleyz is right on the money about the bands. It was a real pain to get all those bands in place but I can see how its important.

Its funny but I also have an Emperor system running along side my Magnum... hehe. I wanted to use the bio wheels that came with my Magnum but found that they weren't configurable for a corner tank. :( So I opted to just get another filter and the Emperor seemed like the best HOB filter out there. Having both running sure keeps the tank clean and my Cardinals love the current it provides. :D
It had all the attachments of the pro. quick connects. 2 micron filters. 3 rite size sleeves. 2 biowheels. tubing. powder. carbon/media container. It was an ebay find.
So the bands go on the tube over the nipple by the quick connects or do they go under the screw on compression fitting past the barb? I found the pamplet/ manual under a flap in the box but its not real helpfull regarding the bands it says something about 2 inches from the end of the flexible tubing but that doesn't seem to do anything. I turned it off till Its done right don't want to come home to 75gallons of water on the floor. Also can you run the micron filter and the polyfib pad at the same time? I tried it and it worked fine but the manual doesn't show that combination of filtration.
I would get one. I believe it's used to prevent the Micron Cartridge from deforming which could cause a number of problems. Better to be safe than sorry. :wink:
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