Here's my info:
Established tank, 10 years old... undergravel filter, 10 gallon
Had various fish over the years, until they died slowly, and was left with one neon tetra. 3 months ago, I got 5 male guppies, and 2 females from a friend... MAJOR live births, poulation went to 42 fish, (2/3 of them fry)I've reduced the fish population in the last 3 weeks to now only 18 fish. They are hoveing near the surface and acting stressed, Ammonia 0, Nitrite 0, Nitrate 200 ppm. Obviously, the Nitrate is through the roof. I hadn't vacuumed my gravel in over 2 years (when I just had the one neon), and even when I got the new guppies, I didn't, but 2 weeks ago I finally vacuumed the gravel, thinking with the large amount of fish, it would need it... but it's about 5 days after the first vacuum that the fish started to stress. I've done a 20% water change 7 days ago, 3 days ago, and a 30% water change yesterday. What else should I do? The testing shows my alkalinity very low as well, not sure why.
Established tank, 10 years old... undergravel filter, 10 gallon
Had various fish over the years, until they died slowly, and was left with one neon tetra. 3 months ago, I got 5 male guppies, and 2 females from a friend... MAJOR live births, poulation went to 42 fish, (2/3 of them fry)I've reduced the fish population in the last 3 weeks to now only 18 fish. They are hoveing near the surface and acting stressed, Ammonia 0, Nitrite 0, Nitrate 200 ppm. Obviously, the Nitrate is through the roof. I hadn't vacuumed my gravel in over 2 years (when I just had the one neon), and even when I got the new guppies, I didn't, but 2 weeks ago I finally vacuumed the gravel, thinking with the large amount of fish, it would need it... but it's about 5 days after the first vacuum that the fish started to stress. I've done a 20% water change 7 days ago, 3 days ago, and a 30% water change yesterday. What else should I do? The testing shows my alkalinity very low as well, not sure why.