Marineland C-220 canister filter

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Aug 8, 2006
Brandon, FL
I went bigger and now have a C-360, so I am selling the C-220. This is a great filter and has been on my 55 gallon for about a year, producing excellent results. I have no extra media with it, it is just the filter. You will probably need new hoses since mine were cut to length. Original instruction manual as well.

I am asking $65. I am posting it here before I put it on ebay.
Okey-dokey, smokey... Quick question (and a bump), anyone think my price is too high? I hardly used it, it is a fantastic filter and it looks like it just came out of the box... I am slightly flexible on the price, too much less and I would probably just keep it myself... but having a brand new filter sitting here unused is making me search craigslist for another large tank which goes directly against the multiple-tank-syndrome I am trying not to succumb to! :p

Sicklid - I might be interested in this canister filter. I am doing some research on it first....It says it's for tanks up to 55g. I have a 55g, and I really like to overfilter. I bought the HOB Marineland Penguin biowheel for this tank and I don't really like how much noise it makes, but I am not sure the canister filter would be enough for my tank as I really like to have "double filtration" at least.

PM'd also....:)
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